In 2013, Tamturbo turned heads with the introduction of their new oil-free air turbo compressor technology.
Their gearless high-speed turbo compressors offer lower energy consumption and maintenance costs as well as clean, oil-free air. Now Tamturbo presents the first in their new line of complete compressor units in Energia 2014 trade fair, which will be held in Tampere, Finland.
For the first time, Tamturbo has packaged their award-winning turbo compressor into a single, compact, energy saving low-maintenance unit. It produces oil-free compressed air with less energy, smaller maintenance costs and less waste. This new industrial product premiers October 28 – 30 at Energia 2014 fair.
But Tamturbo has some more announcements up its sleeve. They are already looking forward to ComVac 2015 trade fair, which will be held in Hannover next April. There Tamturbo will complement the new line of industrial compressor units with another, bigger capacity model. Both new models are based on their gearless, direct-drive turbo compressor.
As the demand for environmentally friendly, economical ways to produce compressed air increases worldwide, there seems to be no stopping the oil-free revolution. Tamturbo is at the forefront of this revolution, driving the change with technological innovation. With the two new models Tamturbo will offer a tempting alternative for the industry.